Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Does the need of God relevent in the 21st century?

To comment and to define the topic I just put above is way out of my specialty of study. I am not in a position to represent what the whole community to answer it precisely. To another extend, I do own an opinion about it. It is the faith I believe in that holds me to where I am now. It is the knowledge I gained from my previous education that had been put quite a good stand in my mind, and continuing that, I am ever hunger of the knowledge of this complex world, any sort of knowledge. Not that I am a person of alim ulamak, but just enough for me to jot down my thoughts.

Only Allah knows why I am writing this. There is 2 reasons to be honest (the fact that I am a very reserved person, I am not sure whether I should post this in my blog, but if I do, I really meant what I said).

The first is to immediately write down my own views of the multi faith debate that I attended just now. This debate (or so call a debate) had brought 3 faiths to together give opinions and views on the title as I have written above (or something similar to that).

In view of the current degree of relevance of God in the 21st century it must first be defined further in terms of technicality, for example what do we really focus on in the 21st century. Silat Cekak Hanafi have hold a seminar to discuss on challenges to be faced in the 21st century, now the main point here is the figure "21st century".. crudely, my point of view is that, we really cannot judge anything right now, as we have only just entered the 21st century. We have another whole century (995 years to be precise) more to go. We cannot even predict what and how the future is going to be. That's where we rely on history to teach us how to predict the future. But then again, if we don't address our concern now, the issues that may arise in the future NOW... we may have not be able to prevent the unfortunate events, have the space of improvement by learning from mistakes.

Relevance of God in the 21st Century... regardless of how we defined it... for me God is relevant AT ALL TIMES... of whatever the century, whatever period of political occupation it had, whatever era of technological advancement there would have been achieved in the future AND be it in the extreme of situations... of peace and war.

Being at the multifaith debate, opened up new horizon for me, to think more focused, to define more clearly why I am here to where I am now today. The title have only created a platform for these experts in religion (there were representatives from Judaism, Muslim and Christianity in the panel also, one guy whom is not holding to any side of the religion but is studying religion) to give the insight view of how their religion perceive in this post-modern day era, I mean the 21st century. I appreciate all the new knowledge that I gained, I now understood more the perception for Christians and Jewish faith and their concerns in the 21st century. Throughout the discussion and Q&A session, I focused more on the differences that arises between these faith with mine. The panels are all very motivated in joining their views together, on top of holding their religion's stand in front of them. Of course those attended were seeking information of what religion is to give to them , to benefit them, to offer them. I personally think that all the views I have with my own faith were not stirred at all, in fact it was being hold up high by the Ustaz (a well known Imam in Manchester). I accepted other views from other faiths as differences that I should give tolerance to, as we are living in the same community. I want to live together in the community and perhaps serve the community(subject to whether I'll be staying long in the UK or not). Therefore, we would be obliged to get the same form of tolerance from others as well.

In the bigger picture to where Islam is being perceived by the world now, is a point where there are so much more to lay out and analyse the reasons why are these perceptions surfaced. Everyone would agree with me if I say, recent events have lead to misperception on Muslim and the whole of Islamic structure. It made me realised that there are other people whom is aware why I am looking a bit different from them with the head scarf covering the head.

I can brag on and on about this, but I am not a preacher.

Want to know the second reason?? It is really hard to describe. Ever had an occasion when you have intentions of doing something out of the ordinary when suddenly another occasion turned up that diverted you from doing the first intention? It's something like that, it happened to me. Iwas at a point junction on making decision which is better for me. Clearly, my attendance to a "knowledge event" (majlis ilmu) is much better on top of all other things regardless of its intentions. It WAS a sign (a clear cut sign) for me. My silat instructor conveyed a piece of knowledge (ilmu) when he commented on this kind of scenario. This event (the term is "Al-Maunah" in arabic.. not relating to the extremist group in Malaysia) is an event where you are about to do something, but other things occurred, and you somehow followed the second event. Then, only you realised why the first event was not meant for you to follow. (Quoted from Abang Nizar jurulatih Silat Cekak Hanafi). It happened again tonight..

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