Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Happy CNY to my Chinese friends..

Gong Xi Fa Chai! (For a dear friend Wai Ping)

Few days ago, I asked one of my classmates to give me Mandarin oranges since CNY is just around the corner.. He got really confused why did I asked such thing and why did I associate it with CNY.. I told him that in Malaysia, I am so used to receive these oranges, during CNY.. and that I got it from my friends and colleagues. Surprisingly he said he never heard such a thing, nor it was part of his tradition.. and he is from China (Tanah Besar). I bragged about the story on the taste of the orange, (I know many of you heard this before).. the story when the orange is best eaten on the day of CNY itself .. Only then it will taste nice. After that, it will become sour and even tasteless.. Never had this Chinese guy, my classmate heard such story.. Ok then, so why are Malaysian Born Chinese (MBC) associate oranges with CNY? I really don't have the answer..

But anyway, he still gave me oranges.. only it's not Mandarin oranges.. they are clementines.. Thanks a lot Jacky! Happy Chinese New Year to Yu Rong too.. (can't wait to have one of those Moon Cakes again.. sedap oo, cari la yang halal... kena tunggu sampai September lagi la nampaknya).

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