Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Kyoto Protocol have finally come into effective..

Yup, thats the news I heard today.. with me having to listen to lectures on Environmental Management and Legislation (I thought I am done with it on my final year in UTP) this semester, boy am I feeling joyous for this historical moment (poyo je...)
Anyway, I should know what this fuss about Kyoto Protocol all about. It's a name for an agreement being drafted under the UNFCCC for years (since 1990s) to address the issue in areas

  1. Climate change
  2. Carbon dioxide emission plus other green house gasses

There is not much concern actually, if you don't want to consider the raising temperature of the earth surface, the fact that the ozone layer have depleted and hence the increase in UV rays penetrating the atmospheric surface, hence bring adverse effects to the weather due to extreme temperature fluctuations... well.. it wouldn't be much of concern for those of you who doesn't care about how the environment would be for the future generation. BUT for me it is!

Talk about environment, here I am to comment on this treaty (or whatever they call its name). My comment is “finally!”. For years now, since the concept of Control of Pollution (COP) being introduced to rectify the environmental problems that occur due to the industrialization of the nation, several intense negotiations had taken place COP 1,2, 3. It was the most tiring/intense period of time. Finally, in 1997 during COP 3, in Kyoto Japan, the Protocol was adopted.. but not yet taken into action. 8 years had passed, and now when this treaty is about to be enforce, the biggest polluters in the world have not given their words to join in this strategy of bringing sustainable development to the world.

The fact is that this protocol mostly aimed towards the industrialized countries to help together clean up the mess that they had been stuffing into this suffocating world while, they themselves enjoy some nice fat income of $$$.. Now, even after long years of discussion, America (ooppss.. wrong country) The U. S of A still wouldn’t want to join in the "cleaning up the mess" that they (most of all) have done to the world. Talk about creating a mess, I have loads of other facts that I can write on US’ not-so-intelligent approach towards cleaning up the environment.

All matters converged into one reason: it is too costly to implement, will cost the country billions of dollars of losses..


  1. because there are just too much rubbish to be clean up
  2. they don’t have enough space (do they? I thought they have a lot of space)…
  3. It’s not what the economists would suggest (now, see what I mean.. read on my past articles) because it will bring bad impact on the economy

And.. you know what, the Aussies government are no different (jangan marah Epul iye..).

I give respect to the UK, France, Germany, even Russia got persuaded to join in.. Brazil, China, Indonesia, India the still developing countries but still want to take part, and of course Malaysia is ever the supporter..


Kervin said...

Sadly the two major producers of world carbon emission are not taking their responsibilities. Besides that many people from these countries are quick to say global warming is a myth and there is not enough to support it, these same people would drill the ANWR just for oil reserves and launch a war campaign to ensure oil security for their citizens. Tell that to the local Indian family dying from starvation due to draught, tell that to the people of Tuvalu whose nation is slowly sinking under rising sea levels, tell that to the shrinking world glaciers, the ice shelf breakages and the migration of tropical mosquitoes further northwards. National geographic did an article last year and you know what? Some people cancelled their subscriptions because it was deemed a political topic and an unscientific writing. Lets hope the world survives to prove us wrong.

Dilip Mutum said...

The problem is that the politicians in the US are funded by businessmen. They wouldn't want to do anything which might hurt their financial backers. We also have to keep in mind that Bush has a oil background - the environment is the last things on their mind.
I guess Howard just wants to copy his idol.